4. To-Do-List
- Add a minimalist and simple design using HTML and CSS to provide a clean and intuitive user experience.
- Use JavaScript to enable the addition and deletion of to-do list items to increase functionality.
- Implemented local storage functionality to save user data when refreshing or revisiting the app..
5. Rock Paper Scissors
- I created a fun and simple rock-paper-scissors game using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- This minimalistic game showcases my proficiency in front-end web development and JavaScript programming.
- The game is a great example of my ability to create functional and interactive projects using basic web technologies.
6. Background Color Changer
- I created a fun and interactive background change project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- The simple game allows users to change the background color of a web page by clicking on a button.
- This project showcases my ability to create fun and interactive experiences using basic web technologies.